Are the windows in your home generating a considerable draft, or are they cold to the touch? If so, it might be time to consider upgrading to double-paned windows. Do you want to know why those single-pane or outdated windows feel so cold, and why a double-pane replacement doesn’t share this common flaw? If so, follow along with the experts at Shanco!
Ready to gain the many advantages of double-paned windows for your home? Contact the window experts at Shanco!
Why Are Those Single-Pane Windows So Cold?
If you live in or have even been inside, an older home with the original windows intact, you’ve experienced some glass that can be downright icy to the touch. What’s the reason for cold windows? Well, honestly speaking, older windows—and particularly those that feature a single pane of glass—just don’t really insulate all that well.
Windows can be great for many reasons, whether you’re looking for more natural lighting, enjoy a great outdoor view, or want to add some decorative touches. But unless they’ve been designed for it, they can create a lot of challenges when it comes to comfort and energy efficiency. It essentially comes down to a lack of insulation. Glass insulates to a minor degree on its own, but it isn’t enough to overcome the natural pull/push of a warm home versus a cold outside.
There are ways to slow heat loss with a single-paned window. Many home improvement stores have a wide array of weather stripping, draft stoppers, window film, and thermal curtains to help hold heat in the home. At some point, it makes sense to upgrade to double-paned windows.
Why Double-Paned Windows Work
The difference can’t really be that big, can it? After all, it’s just two panes instead of one! Double-paned windows are more energy efficient.
Well, if that were the case, you wouldn’t be too far off the truth. Just another pane of glass would only do so much, and the difference would be minimal.
However, that’s not all there is to it! Between those two layers of glass, there is an inert gas filling the space, usually argon, that acts as an additional insulator. This additional layer of insulation was created so homeowners can save money.
This works because still air is actually a very strong insulator on its own. Due to the fact that its molecules are so far spread out, it doesn’t allow for much thermal energy moving through it, and so argon, a safe, dense, and inert gas, is chosen to fill the space between the panes.
This makes them many, many times more effective at keeping the cold out of your home, potentially lowering your energy bills!
While single-pane windows may have a lower upfront cost, it is critical to look at the long game. Heat loss and heat gain are known issues with single-pane windows. Continuing to use them means that you can expect your HVAC bills to be higher.
Lowering HVAC expenses will save you money and reduce wear and tear on the HVAC system in the long run.
Double-paned windows come in many types of windows and different window frame materials. The variety of materials allows homeowners to select the perfect windows to match the architecture of their homes. From classic wood windows to sleek modern windows, there is a replacement window option for you!
Double-Paned Windows with Shanco
Think it may be time to upgrade those old, icy windows in your home? When you’re ready, the expert window installation and window replacement professionals at Shanco are happy to help! We offer industry-leading double-paned windows for residential homes, and we will be happy to work with you to ensure you get the best windows to suit your needs and decorative tastes.
Contact Shanco to learn more about our double or triple-pane window installation services!
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