To help you get ready for the stormy season we are going to share with you 5 ways you can protect your home from storm damage. Storms can wreak havoc on a home over time or all at once depending on the severity of it, but staying prepared decreases the chance of your home sustaining serious damage.

  • Replace necessary roofing
  • Clean your gutters
  • Install Shutters
  • Trim your trees
  • Install a sump pump

How to Protect Your Home from Storm Damage

Storm damage can cause cosmetic damage to your home but it can do far worse than that. Flooding, mold growth, and serious structural damage are all common problems found post-storm. There is no way to fully guard your home against storm damage but there are steps you can take to prevent the lion’s share of it.

1. Replace Necessary Roofing

The first line of defense against mother nature’s wrath is your roof so you want to make sure that it is in good shape. This means that there is no visible damage to the shingles and that they are all securely fastened. If you aren’t sure if your roof can withstand a storm call us at 301-208-0848, or visit our roofing page to schedule your free roof inspection. Our team will let you know whether your roof needs repaired, replaced, or is fine the way it is.

2. Clean Your Gutters

Gutters are often overlooked but are a key component in the prevention of storm damage to your home. Gutters redirect the flow of water away from the house. If your gutters are not clean then the water has nowhere to go but down the side, which is exactly what you do not want. While you make your way around your home and free any debris from the inside of your gutters you also want to check the seams and rescue them if necessary.

3. Install Shutters

In severe thunderstorms, strong winds can often lead to broken or damaged windows. The only way to prevent this is by installing functional shutters. These serve to protect your windows from the strong winds and any flying debris.

4. Trim Your Trees

Large trees can look beautiful beside a home but they can also be a liability in the event of a severe storm. If you have trees next to your house you want to cut away any dead or weak branches. If the tree itself looks damaged or weak then your best bet is to remove it all together. This one is especially important because a falling tree can damage your home as well as the people inside.

5. Install A Sump Pump

Heavy rainfall during a thunderstorm can cause water to build up in the basement or crawl space. The most effective way to deal with this is through the installation of a sump pump. This will pump any water that enters back outside. Water buildup can cause serious damage to the foundation of your home and needs to be prevented at all costs.

Shanco Exterior Home Improvement

Whether you are looking to protect your home from storms or repair it after a storm, we’re here for you. Shanco has the expertise needed for your next exterior home improvement project. Call us today at 301-208-0848 for your free inspection!